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15 Years of Experiences.
100% Clients Satisfaction Guarantee.


Helps slow the signs of the ageing process.
A relaxing way to get better skin.

Ready to make an appointment for this treatment?

What treatment is it?

The 5GMax Laser Lift is one of our TOP 3 client favourites! Not surprising as it’s FAST, PAINLESS & offers INCREDIBLE RESULTS!

Safe on all skin types, the CANDELA GentleMax Pro® combines two fast and powerful lasers: the Alexandrite for skin rejuvanation and the nd-YAG for skin tightening on all skin types. The dual wavelength CANDELA GentleMax Pro® helps smooth wrinkles by stimulating and increasing collagen production under the surface of the skin. An overall improvement in skin texture, skin tone and pore size can be expected after a series of treatments. 



CANDELA GentleMax Pro® – A Gold Standard in laser treatment! It made by one of the industry’s leaders, Syneron Candela. The CANDELA GentleMax Pro® is a dual platform laser using a 755nm Alexandrite laser and a 1064nm Nd: YAG laser, allowing a wide range of treatment options. The CANDELA GentleMax Pro® series is a consolidated system that delivers a range of treatments for all skin type hair removal, as well as pigmented, vascular lesions and skin lifting & tightening. No gel, anaesthesia or interruption of daily routine necessary.



Skin Lifting & Tightening

The 5GMax Laser Lift performs skin tightening on the face and lower jawline over a series of treatments  every 4-6 weeks. This procedure does not require sedation and there is no downtime. Clients will feel skin much lifted and tightened. Fine lines and wrinkles are soothed. The treatment can also help to reduce the double chin and define the jawline. 

5 setting models proceed during the treatment:

Model 1: Skin Lifting-Ultra lifting skin 

Model 2: Fine Lines and wrinkles-especially forehead lines and crows feet

Model 3: Skin Tightening-tightening and deduce the skin laxity

Model 4: Skin Brightening- brightening & even the skin tone, deduce pigmentations and redness

Model 5: Jawline shaping and deduce the double chin 



Sun Spots and Benign Keratoses Removal

The GentleMax Pro® can effectively remove unwanted brown sun damage spots and benign keratoses without scarring. The late fall and winter are the best times to start treatment of these lesions since the skin should be shielded from sun exposure before and after treatment for the best results. Some spots may require more than one treatment.



Colour Correction and Rejuvenation of Skin with Diffuse Sun Damage

The GentleMax Pro® can also treat diffuse sun damage which is often seen on the face, neck, chest and arms. Depending on the extent of sun damage, a series of treatments may be necessary, but significant improvement is seen with each treatment.

Treatment of Facial Redness and Broken Blood Vessels

The GentleMax Pro® can treat the background redness and broken blood vessels on the cheeks, nose and chin. Because the background redness and broken blood vessels are a result of broken blood vessels, you should expect to have some redness, swelling and possible bruising for several days after the treatment. We suggest that you do not take aspirin or NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil, Motrin Meloxicam, Celebrex) for 1 week prior to your procedure if medically allowable. We do not advise any patient to stop any blood thinners for this procedure.

  • Free consultation and assessment
  • Cost effective and great result treatment


Pair with



2.MesoGlow Injection NCTF Booster


3. Alma Accent Prime Non-Surgical Face Lift

4.Alma DPL Laser Photorejuvanations 




The process is quite simple and requires no effort on your part. We start by cleansing the skin and applying protection to your eyes. A small hand-held device will be used to deliver pulses of laser light to the skin. Prior to each laser pulse, we will spray coolant onto your skin, minimizing the sensation of heat and keeping you comfortable.

This will take approximately 40-45 minutes per session.  A complimentary consultation will be completed prior to treatment and the treating therapist will be able to provide an accurate indication of how long the treatments will take.

This will depend on the condition of your skin and what you are treating. On average, most people generally need at least four (4) treatments spaced about 4-6 weeks apart. We will be able to give you an estimate of the sessions needed during your consultation.

Most people state that the treatment is not painful, but it can produce some discomfort at times. This is generally remedied by the Dynamic Cooling Device™. If you have sensitive skin or are concerned about discomfort during your procedure, a topical anesthetic can be used to keep you as comfortable as possible.


Directly after your session, your skin will be red and may be swollen. Some people also experience a sensation similar to a sunburn. Cool compresses and Laser Aid/Medisooth gel can help to relieve this. Most people will see the redness and swelling dissipate within hours, though for those with sensitive skin, it could last several days.

Before your GentleMax Pro® Face Lift treatment, you need to have no direct sun exposure or sun burn. Some treatments need to avoid or have a gap in between. For example, if you just had the cosmetic injectable treatment, we will ask at least need to wait for two weeks before your session. We will explain all the preparations you need to make when you schedule your appointment.

Whilst we have seen amazing results from the treatment, please know that results do vary and we cannot make guarantees. We recommend coming and speaking to our clinic technicians for an in-depth consultation. They will discuss in detail how the treatment works, whether it will be right for your skin type and the expected results in line with your treatment goals.

Ready to discover what smooth really feels like?

Still unsure? Get in touch for a free consultation.