飞顿 DPL超光子/牛奶光嫩肤


以具有竞争力的价格提供负担得起的治疗。 减少持续维护成本


15 年的经验
100% 客户满意保证





什么是 Alma Harmony XL Pro DPL & NIR 超光子嫩肤?

DPL 代表动态脉冲光,但您可能也听说过它被称为“超光子嫩肤”。这是一种用于治疗皱纹、斑点、痤疮和蜘蛛纹的光疗法。 DPL 是 IPL 的高级方法,它在皮肤上以可控的强度使用光(宽范围的光谱),并且光是皮肤色素吸收的商数的一半。 DPL 是一种非侵入性和非烧蚀性治疗,它使用高强度可见光脉冲来改善皮肤外观,治疗特定的皮肤问题。它针对皮肤的下层(真皮)而不影响皮肤的顶层(表皮)。它是治疗各种形式的晒伤、面部发红、皮肤老化问题的完美选择,特别适用于治疗色素沉着和痤疮(所有年龄段都会发生,尤其是现在的青少年)。几乎可以在身体的任何部位进行治疗。

DPL 是如何工作的?

DPL 的工作原理与激光非常相似,但恢复时间更短且初期不适感更少。动态脉冲光疗法的工作原理是将光波长深入皮肤中的相关区域,以改变它们。

与激光不同,DPL 实际上不会损坏皮肤的表层,因为光可以穿透真皮(深层皮肤组织)而不会实际影响表皮(表层)。这意味着 DPL 的停机时间比激光治疗少得多,尽管激光的初始影响可能看起来更剧烈。






在 BeautyPlus+ 激光诊所,我们使用最先进和最受欢迎的以色列医疗 DPL 设备 ALMA® Harmony XL Pro DPL 机器 – 一种革命性的设备,在恢复活力/胶原蛋白生产和破坏毛细血管/红斑痤疮方面取得了惊人的效果。





Dye-SR 基于窄带光谱,用于精确治疗色素性病变,专注于浅表病变。高功率 Q 开关 ND:Yag 1064nm 激光 (ClearLift) 可治疗深层色素病变,为较深的病变提供有效的解决方案。


DPL 比激光好吗?

这完全取决于您的皮肤状况和您希望恢复的目标。许多人会争辩说 DPL 更好,因为它可以在不伤害皮肤表层的情况下瞄准最深层,而激光会影响两者,从而导致更长的恢复时间。



DPL 需要多长时间才能痊愈?

DPL 的愈合时间比大多数激光皮肤治疗要短得多。通常,您可以在治疗后使用化妆品,只要轻柔地涂抹和清洗即可。




在 DPL 程序后,根据您治疗的特定皮肤问题,您可以期待肤色更均匀、雀斑或黑斑更淡、皮肤纹理更光滑、外观更亮、细纹更少和皱纹减少。基本上,个别结果可能会因您的具体治疗而异。






2.MesoGlow 水光针



DPL is similar to a laser treatment. However, a laser focuses just one wavelength of light at our skin, while DPL releases light of many different wavelengths, like a photo flash.  DPL penetrates down to the second layer of your skin (dermis) without harming the top layer (epidermis), so it causes less damage to your skin. Pigment cells in our skin absorb the light energy, which is converted into heat. The heat destroys the unwanted pigment to clear up freckles and other spots. Or, it destroys the hair follicle to prevent the hair from growing again. DPL can be used anywhere on body and fit the most of skin tones. 

Reduces wrinkles/ fine lines
Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
Firms and tones skin, harmonises the complexion
Assists with broken capillaries
Assists pigmentation and uneven skin
Reduces sun spots and aged spots
Refines pores

It depends on your treatment area and desired results. We recommend every 2-4 weeks between 4-6 sessions to see long-term improvement for most clients.

Before your DPL procedure, our technician will examine your skin and provide the FREE consultation. Please inform your technician if you have any skin conditions that might affect healing after your treatment, such as inflammatory acne or eczema. Your technician may recommend that you avoid certain activities, medications, and other products for two weeks prior your procedure.

    • There is no downtime to DPL and you can resume normal activities immediately. However, you should avoid the following for 24 hours:
      -Strenuous exercise
      -Consumption of alcohol
      -Scrubbing, rubbing, shaving or waxing the treatment area.

    It is also recommended to avoid the following for two weeks:
    -Direct exposure to sun or UV light
    -Extended exposure to heat or freezing temperatures
    -Exposure to any of the above may cause temporary redness, swelling, and/or itching. If you experience crusting on the treatment area you can apply a rescue balm or ice pack to aid with healing.
    -We always recommend the use of sunscreen to prevent sun damage to the skin. Sunscreen with SPF 50+ should be used daily. If you are under the sun for prolonged periods of time, sunscreen needs to be reapplied at least once every two hours.

Everyone! Once we turn 20, we produce 1% less collagen each year. ClearLift promotes collagen remodelling which helps with the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity. The ClearLift can also simultaneously do photo rejuvenation for a well rounded approach to skin rejuvenation.

Is ClearLift painful?
No it is not painful. The ClearLift laser creates microscopic dermal injuries and does not cause damage to the outer layer of the epidermis.

Will I experience downtime after the ClearLift laser treatment?
Usually there is no downtime following the ClearLift laser treatment and it is considered a true “lunchtime procedure”. However, if treating superficially petechiae may result which can be easily covered with makeup. However, everyone’s skin reacts different and it is best to consult with your practitioner.

Can the Alma Harmony XL Pro laser be combined with other skin treatments?
Yes, combination treatments are highly recommended. Different modalities on the Alma Harmony can be combined or other treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, and chemical peels can be included for a holistic approach.

How many ClearLift treatments will I need?
We recommend 4 – 6 sessions, however your practitioner will be able to provide you with a better guide upon a personalised skin assessment.

When will I see results?
You will see the maximum results 6 weeks post completing your recommended treatment protocol.

Yes, we have various modalities which can remove pigment including our signature In-Motion technology which allows us to treat large areas quickly with virtually no pain.

Is it painful?
Majority of our pigment removal treatments are very comfortable, if not virtually pain free. You may feel a slight prick of heat depending on the modality your practitioner uses, but this sensation is fleeting.

Will I experience downtime?
Usually there is no downtime following a pigment removal treatment. However, everyone’s skin reacts different and it is best to consult with your practitioner.

How many treatments will I need?
This will vary depending on the modality used by your practitioner. The number of treatments usually ranges from 4 to 6.

When will I see results?
You will see results approximately 1 week post treatment.

Yes, we have various modalities which can treat vascular lesions and rosacea including our signature In-Motion technology which allows us to treat large areas quickly with virtually no pain.

Is it painful?
Majority of our vascular treatments are very comfortable, if not virtually pain free. You may feel a slight prick of heat depending on the modality your practitioner uses, but this sensation is fleeting.

Will I experience downtime?
Usually there is no downtime following a vascular treatment. However, everyone’s skin reacts different and it is best to consult with your practitioner.

How many treatments will I need?
This will vary depending on the modality used by your practitioner. The number of treatments usually ranges from 2 to 6.

When will I see results?
You will see results approximately 1 week post treatment.

This varies, on average 4-6 sessions and then maintenance as necessary. However your practitioner will be able to provide you with a better guide upon a personalised skin assessment.

How many ClearSkin sessions before I will notice a change in acne scars?
There may be some improvement from the first session, but you should start to notice a greater improvement after 4 treatments.

When will I see results?
You will see the maximum results 6 weeks post completing your recommended treatment protocol.

Will I experience downtime after the ClearSkin laser treatment?
Usually there is no downtime following the ClearSkin. You may experience mild eryethema (redness) which should subside a couple of hours post treatment. However, everyone’s skin reacts different and it is best to consult with your practitioner.

Whilst we have seen amazing results from the Photo-rejuvenation treatment, please know that results do vary and we cannot make guarantees. We recommend coming and speaking to our clinic technicians for an in-depth consultation. They will discuss in detail how the treatment works, whether it will be right for your skin type and the expected results in line with your treatment goals.


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